digi-libris Reader multilingual
digi-libris Reader mobile is now multilingual
digi-libris Mobile, the free content viewer for Android devices includes a new feature for instantly
translating titles, descriptions and abstracts into over 100 languages using third party services (to help
understanding context) and text prompts for videos that are not available in local languages.
Information overload is a grim reality making it increasingly difficult for individuals to filter out useful knowhow
from all available information.
While this holds true for any discipline, a good example of this plight is front-line health workers in the field who are being pushed to acquiring new skills to help out in emergencies when there is no doctor.
Health workers depend on rapidly accessing life-saving knowledge (user-friendly textbooks, tutorial videos, course material etc.) and don’t have the time to wade through hundreds of web pages and guessing where to click to find and download practical advice for off-line use.
In low-resource settings this can become a real problem, particularly for people with limited mastery of English or any of the other languages that are typically used in tutorial videos.
Tutorial videos can save lives and therefore must be easily accessible and understandable by all who need them.
Scrollable text prompts can be added to any video without requiring a new video shooting for each language and they cost a fraction of the cost of other postproduction methods.
Video explaining a simple respiratory bag mask intervention (curtesy MCAI).
The text prompt (translated text of the voice over) scrolls upwards in step with the moving image and the spoken text.
The display can be paused and the text panel can be slided up/down for reading.