The artists listed below have all discovered the silk-screen printing process for the first time as a form of artistic expression. They also found this very appealing because they could create the templates (the sieves) themselves on site and work much faster. The sheets came out dry after processing a colour so that they could directly apply the next colour without having to wait.
Serigraphy, aka silk-screen printing
Originally used for printing textiles, it is also used for large paper formats and posters in small quantities (today often replaced by ink-jet printing).
A thin-meshed screen in a rectangular frame is covered with varnish in places, so that the ink can only flow through in the uncovered regions.
This printing method (on paper) gained popularity in Europe mainly after it became known that the US Army used it in World War II to rapidly overprint maps with the latest frontlines for distributing to the troups.
Shmuel Shapiro (USA) 1924-1983
American citizen, lived and worked in the scenic Swiss Jura region, his adopted home for many years. He is internationally recognized for his powerful illustrations and graphics. This is the first time he has used silk screen printing as a means of expression. His intense joy in life and his bubbly nature are reflected in these works.
Michael Grossert (Schweiz) 1927-2014
lived and worked in Paris and Basel. Especially known as a sculptor and as one of the most important experts in dealing with modern materials and colours. His extravagant giant sculpture commissioned by the city of Basel (Heuwaage) has greatly amplified his reputation.
Werner Ritter (Schweiz) 1933-
one of the first of the "Basel artist community in the old barracks". His own style is particularly effective in silk-screen printing, his themes are masculine and popular.
Shmuel Shapiro, Serigraph, 65 x 85 cm
ed.: 150 sig., 24 EA (~ € 250.00)
ed.: 150 sig., 24 EA (~ € 250.00)
300.00 CHF

Shmuel Shapiro, Serigraph, 65 x 85 cm
ed.: 150 sig., 24 EA (~ € 250.00)
ed.: 150 sig., 24 EA (~ € 250.00)
300.00 CHF

Michale Grossert, Serigraph, 64 x 85 cm
ed.: 150 sig., 24 EA (~ € 235.00)
ed.: 150 sig., 24 EA (~ € 235.00)
275.00 CHF

Werner Ritter, Serigraph, 65 x 85 cm
ed.: 150 sig., 24 EA (~ € 235.00)
ed.: 150 sig., 24 EA (~ € 235.00)
280.00 CHF

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